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Our Minister retired in May 2024. Our Interim Moderator is the Rev. Dave Slater

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Blawarthill and St Columba congregations

meet for Sunday services, at 11 a.m.

You are most welcome to join us.


Services are in English, with some Gaelic content.

Messy Church / Eaglais Mì-Sgiobalta

Last Saturday of each month 10.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

See local advertising for confirmation.

All-age Church with arts and crafts for 5 - 11s.



Glasgow NW Foodbank  is open at Blawarthill Church, Millbrix Avenue,


Tuesdays and Fridays, 12 noon - 2 p.m.

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Please indicate in the PayPal Message box if your donation is for  the Foodbank, or for the wider work of Blawarthill or St Columba Gaelic Church of Scotland

Blawarthill linked with
St Columba Gaelic
serving Christ
and community
in north-west Glasgow

Welcome to our website! 

Our church meets every Sunday at 11 a.m. for worship.  Services are relaxed, and follow a traditional Presbyterian format.  We are an inclusive church, believing that the Bible teaches us not to discriminate on grounds of race, class, ability, or gender identity.  We are part of the Church of Scotland.  The "Kirk", as it is often referred to, is a broad church, comprising people from all theological backgrounds, and we find our unity in Jesus Christ and not in narrow confessional definitions. We rejoice in the diversity that enriches our fellowship.  We recognise that our faith comes alive when we are able to offer practical support to our community, in acts of service and outreach.

We are working for our first Eco-Congregation award. 

Keep an eye on our new Eco-Congregation page for updates!


Latest Additions

Click to go to the newest additions to our website:

Our YouTube Channel with videoed services

A Prayer for Today



Loving God,

Help us to face the challenges of our time with faith and courage.

Thank you for the friendships we have developed with St Columba Gaelic congregation with whom we are now linked, and share our minister.

We pray for our Glasgow NW Cluster Group as we make our plans together: Jordanhill, Broomhill Hyndland, St Columba Gaelic and Blawarthill congregations.  We pray that with your guidance we can work together harmoniously on a forward-looking and effective Mission Plan.

We pray for our members and adherents, some of whom find the prospect of change difficult and bewildering.

We know you will never allow your Church to die, because you promised that you would stay with us to the end of time.  Help us, Lord Jesus, to see you working in new and exciting ways, and give us the courage and imagination to be faithful in what you call us to be, and to do, in support of your continuing work in our world.

Trusting ever in our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ, we offer this prayer in His name.              



Young People

We welcome children and young people to our services.  We have age appropriate Christian learning and special activities for them most Sundays, and we share these with St. Columba congregation.

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Blawarthill Channel

Blawarthill Channel

Blawarthill Channel
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Easter Service with LEGO Video in Gaelic: 2023 04 02

Easter Service with LEGO Video in Gaelic: 2023 04 02

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Linking Service: St Columba Gaelic and Blawarthill Churches, Glasgow

Linking Service: St Columba Gaelic and Blawarthill Churches, Glasgow

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Blawarthill Christmas Service Highlights, 2021

Blawarthill Christmas Service Highlights, 2021

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We are part of the NW Glasgow Cluster of Churches

Our dedicated Cluster website can be found at at: Glasgow NW Churches
The cluster proposal from Cluster 1D is:  Union of Blawarthill, Broomhill Hyndland and Jordanhill by the end of the Presbytery Plan period – i.e. Session 2027/28.

On the occurrence of a vacancy at any of the three, Linkage between the vacant congregation and another in the Cluster, as an intermediate step.  The option of further adjustment to expedite progress towards the aim of Union, depending on developments and subject to annual review, for the most effective deployment of our 2.5 FTE ministry allocation.

Retention of St Columba’s linked status within any wider adjustment for the foreseeable future.

Immediate and intentional collaboration between all four congregations.

“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and will be repaid in full.” 

Proverbs 19:17

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